My account is banned
Report & Ban
I lost my account. What can I do?
"Login failed. Please try again." pop-up message appears.
Game won't run
Installing and Running Application
How can I add a friend?
Lost guest account.
Do I have to create an account to play?
Download/install won't work.
Game won't update
I didn't receive my item after making a purchase.
Which payment methods can I use?
I can't purchase anything.
What happens to a player who violates rules? (Use of illegal software, abnormal behavior etc.)
I want to report a player using illegal software.
How can I change the server?
How can I observe a match?
Where can I check the character ID?
I want to change the language of NEW STATE Support
I want to contact NEW STATE MOBILE Support (In-game)
I would like to contact NEW STATE MOBILE Support (through web)
Is there an official NEW STATE MOBILE online community?
I have a suggestion/feedback.
EU Digital Services Act information
Where should I contact for partnership or business inquiries?
Need more help?