Installing and Running Application
Download/install won't work.
Please follow these steps if you're experiencing any issues with installing/running NEW STATE MOBILE.1. Check your network connection (Wi-Fi...
Game won't run
During server maintanence, you cannot run the NEW STATE MOBILE application. You can check maintanence schedules on our official communities....
Game won't update
The game may not update if you are connected to an unstable network or when there's insufficient storage space on your device.[Free up space...
Update message is not displayed (iOS)
Please follow the steps bellow if the update message is not displayed.[Updating manually]1. Press the 'Update' button on the bottom right co...
Update message is not displayed (Android)
Please follow the steps below if the update message is not displayed.1. You can update after searching for [NEW STATE MOBILE -> Select Ap...
Game crashes
There are multiple reasons why a game can crash. Please follow the steps below.1. Turn off all applications running in the background, apart...
There's no sound
When there's no ingame sound, check for devices connected via bluetooth. [Checking your sound settings]1. Go to [Settings] -> [Audio] and...
Voice chat doesn't work
If your microphone doesn't work ingame, please check the following.[Android]Settings -> Apps -> NEW STATE MOBILE -> App Permissions...
I don't want to receive push notifications
You can turn off push notifications by:[Android]Settings -> Apps -> NEW STATE MOBILE -> Noritifications -> Untick Show notificat...
Mobile devices gets too hot and drains my battery
We're always working to improve the stability of the game so that our players can enjoy NEW STATE MOBILE on a wide variety of mobile devices...
What are the minimum device specs for NEW STATE MOBILE?
To ensure an optimal experience for players, the game is only available on devices with the following specifications: Android devices: - And...
A pop-up message is shown on my screen.
If the pop-up message saying '"Cannot connect to the server", "Unstable connection. Please restart the game." keeps showing up, please send ...
Is it possible to use an emulator?
"NEW STATE MOBILE" can't be enjoyed on an emulator, but only on your mobile device.
What should I do when the warning page keeps displayed even if the USB debugging is not turned on?
Please open the developer's option, activate USB debugging, turn it off and then turn off the developer's option.
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