You can check your purchase history by:
[Google Play]
1. Login to Google Play
2. Go to "Account"
3. "Orders"
[Samsung Galaxy Store]
1. Run "Galaxy Store" from your mobile device
2. Select "My Apps" on the top right corner of the screen
3. You can view from your receipts
[App Store]
- How to see recent purchases on the iPhone or iPad
1. Open the settings app
2. Tap your name, then tap Media & Purchases (You might be asked to sign in)
3. Tap Purchase History
4. Your purchase history appears. If you want to see purchases that you made more than 90 days prior, tap Last 90 Days, then select a different date range.
- How to see recent purchases on the web
1. Login to iTunes
2. Click "Account" -> "View my account"
3. Right click and select see all purchase history
[Google Play]
1. Login to Google Play
2. Go to "Account"
3. "Orders"
[Samsung Galaxy Store]
1. Run "Galaxy Store" from your mobile device
2. Select "My Apps" on the top right corner of the screen
3. You can view from your receipts
[App Store]
- How to see recent purchases on the iPhone or iPad
1. Open the settings app
2. Tap your name, then tap Media & Purchases (You might be asked to sign in)
3. Tap Purchase History
4. Your purchase history appears. If you want to see purchases that you made more than 90 days prior, tap Last 90 Days, then select a different date range.
- How to see recent purchases on the web
1. Login to iTunes
2. Click "Account" -> "View my account"
3. Right click and select see all purchase history